A Moving Graphic Novel Written and Created by Marvin Quijada and Gabriel RuiZ
Best described as film noir meets mime, this unique series was born on the stage and then adapted into a visual story-telling experience.
Episode 1 | There’s Only Jerry
Needing your nemesis for a case can burn worse than my cigarettes on a sofa. The things we do for friends… - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, NK Gutiérrez, Lorena Diaz, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 2 | How Not to do a Stakeout
Sometimes the case find you. With your hands full of coffee and donuts. - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 3 | How to Get Hit by a Car
Because we’ve all been there, right? …no? …just me then? - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 4 | Next Round
Take a walk with me. I’m in the mood for vengeance. - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 5 | Seeing the Ghost
*Cracks Knuckles
*Cracks neck
*Cracks knees
*Sit down and take a short break - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Gabriel Ruiz, Charina Alvarez, Jessi Realz. Kenny Jamaica, Abi Piñon, Ratas de dos Patas
Episode 6 | Answer Me True
Honesty is the best policy, once you’re out of of every other option. - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Charina Alvarez, Lorena Diaz, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 7 | Meet a Pal
The enemy of my enemy is… ugh, he’s still an asshole. -Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Lorena Diaz, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 8 | You Don’t Rob Benny’s
It’s simple advice. Maybe this case can end without a shot fired after all. -Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 9 | The Sharpest Line
You can cross The Sharpest Line …but there will be consequences… - Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Ayssette Muñoz, Lorena Diaz, Gabriel Ruiz
Episode 10 | See You Around
You know what they say about all good things, but, this was fun… when it wasn’t life threatening. We should do this again sometime. -Q
Cast: Silent Marvin, Lorena Diaz, NK Gutiérrez, Gabriel Ruiz
“Thanks to everyone who has started their journey here with Detective Q, and especially those who got to see him again after a long while. He owes you a shot. This marvelous vision took a village, and here’s our village. Love to the whole bunch who had the courage to walk The Sharpest Line. ”
Detective Q:
The Sharpest Line
Gabriel Ruiz & Silent Marvin
Marvin Quijada, Ayssette Muñoz, Charin Alvarez, NK Guiterrez, Jessi Realzola, Kendra Jamaica, Abigail Piñon
Wendy Mateo, Nathalie Galde
Lorena Diaz
Sarah Albrecht
Kasey Bernt
Bricktown Studio - Ray Hui